Rahman, Md Mahbubur, Leonardo Bobadilla, and Brian Rapp. "Sampling-based planning algorithms for multi-objective missions." Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Visibility Based Relay Robot Placements for Coverage and Unit Guard
Rahman, Md Mahbubur, Leonardo Bobadilla, and Brian Rapp. "Establishing line-of-sight communication via autonomous relay vehicles." Military Communications Conference, MILCOM 2016-2016 IEEE. IEEE, 2016.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
OMPL(Open Motion Planning Library) Installation in Virtual Box
Share on LinkedIn
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- Share on TwitterI installed OMPL in virtual box. I am using windows 10 currently and ompl runs best on ubuntu 14. I tried with two different virtual boxes- oracle and vmware. Vmware was faster in my experience.
- Install ubuntu 14 in vmware virtual box. I tried with ubuntu 13 but failed :(
- Make sure you allocate at least 4 GB of RAMto your virtual machine. It can be done by modifying the memory settings. This is very important in order to install and run ompl properly.
- Once you are done, open terminal in ubuntu 14 and run the following command,
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev cmake python-dev python-qt4-dev python-qt4-gl python-opengl freeglut3-dev libassimp-dev libeigen3-dev libode-dev doxygen graphviz
- Run the following commands thereafter,
sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install celery
sudo pip install Flask
sudo pip install celery
sudo pip install Flask
- Download OMPL.app tar.gz package from http://ompl.kavrakilab.org/download.html and extract it.
- Go into the extracted omplapp folder and run the following commands,
sudo chmod -R 777 *
mkdir -p build/Release
mkdir -p build/Release
cd build/Release
sudo cmake ../..
sudo make installpyplusplus && cmake # this takes a little longer
sudo make update_bindings # This also takes a little longer
sudo make -j 4 # takes a while . Keep patience
sudo make test
sudo make -j 4 # takes a while . Keep patience
sudo make test
sudo make doc
sudo make install
Congratualtions! You are done.
Go into omplapp/gui and run ompl_app.py. This is the GUI of ompl. You need to load the readymade environments and robots found in omplapp/resources folder. Then choose a planner and press solve to see your planned path and graphs. This is very limited GUI. To conduct research you have to learn how to modify ompl base code.
A quick start can be the files found in omplapp/ompl/demo folder where you will find some example python and cpp codes. Open one and see how ompl works. You need to understand these fully before going to modify the ompl source codes if you plan to make a new planner or modify any functionality.
Motion Planning Algorithm RRT star( RRT* ) Python Code Implementation
This is a simple python implementation of RRT star / rrt* motion planning algorithm on 2D configuration space with a translation only point robot. The program was developed on the scratch of RRT code written by S. M. Lavalle. RRT* is a popular path planning algorithm used by robotics community to find asymptotically optimal plan. Please feel free to use the code in your research. Consider to cite the following paper if you find it useful. Enjoy!!
Rahman, Md Mahbubur, Leonardo Bobadilla, and Brian Rapp. "Sampling-based planning algorithms for multi-objective missions." Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.
Please download here-->rrtstar.py
With obstacle, please download here -->rrt obstacle
Following is the content of the above file. But don’t copy paste the following code. Click and download the link provided above and run.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# rrtstar.py
# This program generates a
# asymptotically optimal rapidly exploring random tree (RRT* proposed by Sertac Keraman, MIT) in a rectangular region.
# Originally written by Steve LaValle, UIUC for simple RRT in
# May 2011
# Modified by Md Mahbubur Rahman, FIU for RRT* in
# January 2016
import sys, random, math, pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from math import sqrt,cos,sin,atan2
XDIM = 640
YDIM = 480
def dist(p1,p2):
return sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])*(p1[0]-p2[ 0])+(p1[1]-p2[1])*(p1[1]-p2[1]
def step_from_to(p1,p2):
if dist(p1,p2) < EPSILON:
return p2
theta = atan2(p2[1]-p1[1],p2[0]-p1[0])
return p1[0] + EPSILON*cos(theta), p1[1] + EPSILON*sin(theta)
def chooseParent(nn,newnode,nodes) :
for p in nodes:
if dist([p.x,p.y],[newnode.x, newnode.y]) <RADIUS and p.cost+dist([p.x,p.y],[ newnode.x,newnode.y]) < nn.cost+dist([nn.x,nn.y],[ newnode.x,newnode.y]):
nn = p
newnode.cost=nn.cost+dist([nn. x,nn.y],[newnode.x,newnode.y])
return newnode,nn
def reWire(nodes,newnode,pygame, screen):
white = 255, 240, 200
black = 20, 20, 40
for i in xrange(len(nodes)):
p = nodes[i]
if p!=newnode.parent and dist([p.x,p.y],[newnode.x, newnode.y]) <RADIUS and newnode.cost+dist([p.x,p.y],[ newnode.x,newnode.y]) < p.cost:
pygame.draw.line(screen,white, [p.x,p.y],[p.parent.x,p. parent.y])
p.parent = newnode
p.cost=newnode.cost+dist([p.x, p.y],[newnode.x,newnode.y])
pygame.draw.line(screen,black, [p.x,p.y],[newnode.x,newnode. y])
return nodes
def drawSolutionPath(start,goal, nodes,pygame,screen):
pink = 200, 20, 240
nn = nodes[0]
for p in nodes:
if dist([p.x,p.y],[goal.x,goal.y] ) < dist([nn.x,nn.y],[goal.x,goal. y]):
nn = p
while nn!=start:
pygame.draw.line(screen,pink,[ nn.x,nn.y],[nn.parent.x,nn. parent.y],5)
class Node:
x = 0
y = 0
def __init__(self,xcoord, ycoord):
self.x = xcoord
self.y = ycoord
def main():
#initialize and prepare screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode( WINSIZE)
pygame.display.set_caption(' RRTstar')
white = 255, 240, 200
black = 20, 20, 40
nodes = []
#nodes.append(Node(XDIM/2.0, YDIM/2.0)) # Start in the center
nodes.append(Node(0.0,0.0)) # Start in the corner
for i in range(NUMNODES):
rand = Node(random.random()*XDIM, random.random()*YDIM)
nn = nodes[0]
for p in nodes:
if dist([p.x,p.y],[rand.x,rand.y] ) < dist([nn.x,nn.y],[rand.x,rand. y]):
nn = p
interpolatedNode= step_from_to([nn.x,nn.y],[ rand.x,rand.y])
newnode = Node(interpolatedNode[0], interpolatedNode[1])
[newnode,nn]=chooseParent(nn, newnode,nodes);
pygame.draw.line(screen,black, [nn.x,nn.y],[newnode.x, newnode.y])
nodes=reWire(nodes,newnode, pygame,screen)
#print i, " ", nodes
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_ESCAPE):
sys.exit("Leaving because you requested it.")
drawSolutionPath(start,goal, nodes,pygame,screen)
# if python says run, then we should run
if __name__ == '__main__':
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
Following is the content of the above file. But don’t copy paste the following code. Click and download the link provided above and run.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# rrtstar.py
# This program generates a
# asymptotically optimal rapidly exploring random tree (RRT* proposed by Sertac Keraman, MIT) in a rectangular region.
# Originally written by Steve LaValle, UIUC for simple RRT in
# May 2011
# Modified by Md Mahbubur Rahman, FIU for RRT* in
# January 2016
import sys, random, math, pygame
from pygame.locals import *
from math import sqrt,cos,sin,atan2
XDIM = 640
YDIM = 480
def dist(p1,p2):
return sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])*(p1[0]-p2[
def step_from_to(p1,p2):
if dist(p1,p2) < EPSILON:
return p2
theta = atan2(p2[1]-p1[1],p2[0]-p1[0])
return p1[0] + EPSILON*cos(theta), p1[1] + EPSILON*sin(theta)
def chooseParent(nn,newnode,nodes)
for p in nodes:
if dist([p.x,p.y],[newnode.x,
nn = p
return newnode,nn
def reWire(nodes,newnode,pygame,
white = 255, 240, 200
black = 20, 20, 40
for i in xrange(len(nodes)):
p = nodes[i]
if p!=newnode.parent and dist([p.x,p.y],[newnode.x,
p.parent = newnode
return nodes
def drawSolutionPath(start,goal,
pink = 200, 20, 240
nn = nodes[0]
for p in nodes:
if dist([p.x,p.y],[goal.x,goal.y]
nn = p
while nn!=start:
class Node:
x = 0
y = 0
def __init__(self,xcoord, ycoord):
self.x = xcoord
self.y = ycoord
def main():
#initialize and prepare screen
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
white = 255, 240, 200
black = 20, 20, 40
nodes = []
nodes.append(Node(0.0,0.0)) # Start in the corner
for i in range(NUMNODES):
rand = Node(random.random()*XDIM, random.random()*YDIM)
nn = nodes[0]
for p in nodes:
if dist([p.x,p.y],[rand.x,rand.y]
nn = p
interpolatedNode= step_from_to([nn.x,nn.y],[
newnode = Node(interpolatedNode[0],
#print i, " ", nodes
for e in pygame.event.get():
if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_ESCAPE):
sys.exit("Leaving because you requested it.")
# if python says run, then we should run
if __name__ == '__main__':
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
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